Using @makethedot has made it so much easier for me to keep track of the color palettes that I'm using in my design projects! The details like Hex code and RGB are captured in one place - so when I have to make edits or create modified versions, it is easier for me to find all my design specs in one mood board!
Rekha Krishnamurthi

My mood board made with @makethedot is way better than keynote and has instant access to all pantone textile colors
Adrina Fanore

The colour palette is really good and something that isn't available in other tools. Thats the best feature. Just the ability to have all my colours and codes displayed in front of me will save a lot of time
Sam Duffield

Arranging the colour pallet next to the photo cards gives me a clear idea of where I took the photo and where I got inspiration from. This allows me to connect the dots.
Victor Abby-Hart

In this tutorial you can see how I select colors from the @makethedot built in Pantone library. This is very beneficial, as designers must have a specific Pantone name and code number for each color. You can also see how I am able to pick colors from images on my mood board and translate them into a Pantone.
Terrance Cook